Tag Archives: ready


No stories, just writing. I’m not sure how I’m feeling. A little lethargic due to the massive amount of pizza I just consumed. But other than that, I feel…ready. I’m ready to embark on a new path and for a change of scenery. I pray that my prayers will be answered soon, but not my will. Since that last post I’ve gathered my composure and moved on.(sorry, it’s been made private 😉 ) Sure, what The Pilot did sucks balls. But it’s not the end of the world and there are several billion more people in this world. I feel at peace with the situation and I’m honestly relieved and glad that I am free to move on.

I feel like things are gathering momentum and that I’m sitting in the proverbial calm before the storm. I hope so, I just hope that the storm is a good one. Paso isn’t all that bad, it’s just not for me. And being here was truly a stepping stone, and I know that I’m here for a reason.

But what is my actual purpose and where is the next chapter and what is it? Only God knows and all will be revealed when the time comes.

It’s not that bad

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Posted by on March 18, 2013 in Uncategorized


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